Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
He saw the traffic stop and the walk light change.
The officer was shot and killed during the traffic stop.
He says the person was picked up during a traffic stop.
She was let go after the traffic stop without any charges.
Maybe he was worried about a traffic stop on the way south.
The violence occurred about 12 minutes into the traffic stop.
Police did not provide a reason for the attempted traffic stop.
They don't ask you to get out of the car on a routine traffic stop!
Police arrested her in early June during a traffic stop.
He was never charged in connection with the traffic stop.
That, in fact, was probably the traffic stop of a lifetime.
The question must follow an arrest or traffic stop for something else.
They met during a traffic stop in Cairo and married a few months later.
The law allows police to check a person's legal status during a traffic stop.
During the traffic stop, the driver gave a false name.
Police said the gunman was not involved in the traffic stop.
That appears to have happened during the traffic stop in Oklahoma.
Police took the other 18 children from two vans during a traffic stop.
Thus, the traffic stop by itself was lawful from the start.
The 35-year-old was arrested along with her husband on Sept. 1 during a traffic stop.
Both men were arrested after a traffic stop turned up cocaine in the car.
In the first movie Carter said his father was killed on a routine traffic stop.
Police pulled her over in a traffic stop and said she admitted leaving the baby there.
A third man in the truck, also drunk, walked himself home after the traffic stop, police said.
The department statement did not reveal where the traffic stop occurred.