Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
A new division called Tricel was formed in 2002.
January 30, 2006: The Tricel publishes the final and official results of the runoff election.
February 3, 2010: The Tricel publishes the final results of the runoff election on its website.
Results by ballot box (Tricel)
December 29, 2009: The Tricel publishes the final results of the first round election on the Official Gazette.
January 30, 2010: The Tricel publishes the Act of Proclamation on the Official Gazette.
These results are based on official information given by the Election Qualifier Tribunal (Tricel) on January 29, 2006.
January 29, 2010: The Election Qualifying Court (Tricel) officially proclaims PIñera as President-elect.
Tricel was established to focus on the sewage treatment market, initially in Ireland and the U.K. and thereafter in Europe and the USA.
In early 2011, the KMG Group was granted a French Government Licence for its Tricel Sewage Treatment Systems.
As a result, a European factory was opened in Poitiers, France to manufacture the Tricel waste water treatment systems for the French market, which has created 15 new jobs.
Official and final results, validated by the Electoral Tribunal (Tricel), were published on the Diario Oficial (official gazette) on December 27, 2005 and made the runoff election official.
There are a large number of artificial silk and rayon garments that date from the 1920s in the Hodson Shop Collection, with nylon, Orlon, Courtelle, Tricel and terylene being used from the 1950s.
Tricel was also awarded the allgemeine bauaufsichtliche Zulassung des DIBt, the German Certification to sell Tricel wastewater treatment systems in Germany.
On January 30, 2006, after being declared President-elect by the Elections Qualifying Court (Tricel), Bachelet announced her cabinet of ministers, which was unprecedentedly composed of an equal number of men and women, as was promised during her campaign.