But this is a two-edged sword and can work the other way.
The technology that he had helped put into space was actually a two-edged sword.
It's a two-edged sword, because a few big institutions are in a position to put more pressure on management to do things their way.
The job market for teachers in Connecticut is a two-edged sword.
But others see China's entry into the trade organization as a two-edged sword.
For the human race, now on a level equal with nature, this two-edged sword is too heavy.
But until then, everyone should know that screening is a two-edged sword.
"Having a familiar family name has always been a two-edged sword," he said.
However, it is necessary for us to ensure that the information society does not become a two-edged sword.
"Right now, he is a two-edged sword," a Republican committee official said today.