In any case, it is pointed out, the regime and allied conservative media are already complaining about US interference - for example, the state department's deliberate safeguarding of street communications via Twitter.
When Guillermo Endara won the Presidential elections held in May 1989, the Noriega regime annulled the election, citing massive US interference.
They have produced a number of published manifestos condemning US congressional interference in El Salvador and adamantly opposing any dialogue with the FDR:
Although the Shah appointed Amini prime minster, he disliked US interference.
On June 17, 2011, following Friday prayers, tens of thousands of protestors rallied in Sa'dah against US interference in Yemen.
These changes conflicted with the Good Neighbor Policy's fundamental principle of non-intervention and led to a new wave of US interference into Latin American affairs.
Brokat was known for its encryption server and applet technology named XPresso, which made strong encryption (128bit symmetric) available without US (especially NSA) interference.
In a phone interview with the Pashto Radio on Monday, General Beig said that there is undisputed intelligence proving the US interference in Iran.
He has played on Panamanian nationalism to exploit resentment at US interference in Panamanian affairs and met charge with counter-charge.
The Iranian Cyber Army hacks make the same claims about US interference.