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Or rather let the question be, What leaves he unsaid?
Well, it was too late to unsay the words.
But, once again, there was no way he could unsay what he had just said.
Nor, if he'd had the chance to reverse time and go back to that moment of threat, would he have unsaid a single word.
Frito caught himself, but too late; he could not unsay it now.
These are terrible things that you'll be a long time wishing you could unsay."
"She never unsaid the words, but she let me take her hand before the end.
"What you say to him in here, I can always unsay to him on his pillow."
The words escaped, and he could neither unsay his promise nor her request.
I had a terrible longing to unsay all my words and beg her forgiveness.
But she could not unsay what she had said.
But it was too late to unsay it, Kathleen turned away and went off without saying another word.
And now how was he to unsay them without mortifying this beautiful girl who had just kissed his hand?
But it is too late to unsay them.
"I would give anything to unsay those careless words.
"Wen, peace has been said between us, and there is no time now to unsay it.
He stammered a bit, as if he wanted to unsay his last sentence.
She bit her knuckle, wishing she could unsay those last words.
But we should not have said this unless we intended immediately and completely to unsay it.
It was too late to unsay it when I began to feel that he was a different man.
But I didn't know how to unsay it.
"I have talked too much of me," Sarah said, wishing she could unsay all the things she had not meant to say.
Julian could have kicked himself for making it, but he couldn't unsay it now.
She made a sudden gesture rooted in old, foolish superstitions, to unsay the thought.
He could not unsay what he had become.