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How much can you tell about someone from their choice of wellington boot?
One of his feet found its way into an enormous wellington boot.
Were you aware that there was a wellington boot market?
I gave wellington boots, clothes aid, food and water to the children.
Because if not, the inspector's size six Wellington boots could be.
We'd had the foresight to take our own Wellington boots.
It was long enough to cover the toes of her Wellington boots.
He gave his name to "Wellington boots" and had several nicknames.
Unlike the others he was dressed in a long, dark coat and wellington boots.
Did you also know that Nokia started off as a factory making wellington boots?
Muddy Wellington boots had left a trail of footprints from the back door.
Wellington boots dry on the bench: it can be muddy here for most of the year.
Sensible shoes are recommended, especially wellington boots in wet weather.
She put on her Wellington boots and once again spoke to the privet bird.
And Hunter have pretty much sewn up the wellington boot market."
They could feel the chill of the water through the rubber of their Wellington boots.
I'd like you in Wellington boots and white gloves."
There was no one about; she hunted around and presently found them in the toe of a Wellington boot.
Rows of Wellington boots greeted us, their sizes written in white paint.
Wellington boots, then gathered up the blanket covering the floor of the boot.
I was out with my children when we passed a shoe shop with some wellington boots outside.
Rows of wellington boots and raincoats lined the inside porch.
Lucy handed him an oilskin and a pair of Wellington boots.
Wellington boots were at first made of leather.
He wears a shabby yellow suit and a pair of green wellington boots.
They were told to bring rubber boots and no children.
He came back with a pair of long rubber boots.
Just then a man in high rubber boots approaches her.
Who knew why they needed rubber boots in this weather?
After they had gone to sleep and the fire was out, I filled their rubber boots full of water.
Bets thought she had better put on her rubber boots.
The sight of the rubber boots had him confused, though.
But last night he's not the one who arrived wearing somebody else's rubber boots.
Doc was sitting on the ground pulling off his rubber boots.
Larry brought in the rubber boots and the tin of paint.
If you must wash or work in the fields, always wear rubber boots.
Their rubber boots splashed in pools of water on the floor.
Visitors may want to take along a pair of rubber boots; high water is common in the winter.
She wore a borrowed set of rubber boots that were too large, meant for a man.
Once there, he pulled on a pair of rubber boots and then led her into the basement.
The boot's design was a departure from that of earlier rubber boots.
For that purpose, they made water wings from stolen rubber boots.
We're over the wall in a minute and he can't follow us because of his rubber boots.
My Mum said that they have rubber boots but she is only kidding.
She feels her ankles and they're not at all like huge rubber boots filled with water.
His rubber boots looked twice the size of his feet.
If I do go back, I'll be taking a pair of rubber boots with me.
He was already turning the street corner, his rubber boots kicking up snow.
The engineer promised to get us rubber boots and pumps if only we would go on working.
He was wearing only a pair of rubber boots and tropical shorts.
He was the only one in the room with rain boots.
Then I put on rain boots and went to the mall.
Rain boots protect a person's feet from water and rain.
Editors were out of their high heels and into their rain boots.
He clomped off happily to find his rain boots, leaving me to consider the day ahead.
One solution, for women at least, is the tall rubber rain boot, often brightly colored.
Already the company has broadened the footwear line to include flip-flops and rain boots.
She bought three pairs plus the rain boots.
This is where the $30 slicker-yellow rain boot is found.
She wanted to try rain boots.
Properly speaking, however, galoshes are synonymous with rain boots often reaching heights just below the knee.
Other products include rain boots.
Rain boots (or rubber boots) are made from rubber or plastic.
She lives in a farmhouse in the English countryside: rain boots by the back door, everything wind-weathered and drizzle-gray.
If they did, they'd be shod a lot more sensibly than those we've seen in midtown lately: Many pairs of smooth-soled rain boots.
Perry Ellis has designed Sleekers, rain boots made of colored polyurethane or black patent leather.
They will find stores around town stocked with all the necessities of school life: everything from jackets and sweaters to rain boots and lunch boxes.
She was neatly dressed in a transparent raincoat over something pink, wearing rain boots, and carrying a furled purple umbrella.
On the floor by my feet lay a potpourri of school notices and children's artwork that had been subjected to onslaughts of rain boots.
Their speciality products were working boots for cold and wet weather, rain boots and galoshes.
Stefani was all smiles as she cradled 2-month-old Zuma in a fabulous gray coat and black rain boots.
He felt and heard the plopping of sticky mud reluctant to let go of his rub- ber rain boots.
They wore rubber rain boots spray-painted silver, and tunics made of CD's and aluminum pop-tops.
Mr. Gertz managed to make madras plaid look fresh by using it in a trench coat and matching rain boots.
"We even tried some canine footwear - rain boots - I recall, but we discarded those quickly when we found that they made the dogs uncomfortable."