Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
He retired to the west country in 1953 after eight years.
A few years ago water containers were made available in the west country.
It is difficult to make a case, however, for any such mosaic in the west country before c. 170.
He spent the early part of his life in the West Country.
That, as soon as you get a a bit to the west country.
He had felt his own interest rising considerably as the train brought him into the west country.
The couple live in the West Country and have three sons.
I had spent some time on a camping/cycling holiday with my family in the West country.
Wills is a name long known in the West Country.
However, by the late summer he was well enough to take his parents on holiday to the West Country.
He tells them that his daughter was going to a house party in the West Country.
Harrison now lives in the West Country with her husband and two children.
First Great Western operate two services a day to the west country.
One decent spot in the whole of the west country!!
The locomotive spent most of its working life in the West Country.
Added to which, many properties in the West Country have had their prices cut.
The region is also sometimes loosely described as the West Country.
Most of his life as a parish priest was spent in the West Country.
This began when, as a young man in the West Country, he produced a series of political articles.
- but covers the whole of the West Country.
But things have changed in the West country.
The West country giants won all 10 of the showpieces they contested between 1984 and 1996.
Office space is another story throughout the West Country.
The family came from somewhere in the West Country.
I'm sending them down to the west country.