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What are your views on the design and quality of new development within Wychavon?
The county currently has 240 pitches - more than half of these are in the Wychavon area.
In planning for Wychavon's needs, we need to identify solutions which do not create future problems.
Wychavon's Community Plan will focus on each of these top priorities.
The new route remains entirely within the District of Wychavon.
"There is so much musical talent in Wychavon and this event will bring it out into the public eye.
It lies at the extreme south of the county in the local government district of Wychavon.
It is a problem not peculiar to Wychavon but is experienced nationwide.
"We must congratulate the officers of Wychavon for being responsive to local wishes.
The Wychavon Way is waymarked with a yellow symbol throughout.
It is however fair to say that the Conservatives did very well in Wychavon in 1999.
Strensham is a village in the Wychavon district of Worcestershire.
And for the first time the magazine is on-line and can be read by people all around the world who click on to Wychavon's website.
The plan will set out clearly what we and our partners will do to improve Wychavon life, based on what local people have told us.
It is a few miles south of Kidderminster and is in Wychavon district.
In 1996, we adopted the Wychavon Environmental Policy.
Near Harvington, it enters Worcestershire and the district of Wychavon.
Administratively Murcot is part of the district of Wychavon.
The results from this exercise will be published in an annual monitoring report and will assist in highlighting problems within Wychavon.
Eckington, Wychavon Located south of Pershore this shop has not really moved on for ten years or so.
The Wychavon Way passes over the hill, but does not reach the summit itself, passing close by (necessitating a short easy detour).
However, Wychavon District Council gives outline planning approval, after visiting the site and seeing a "mock-up" of the station.
I applaud Wychavon District Council for putting on this event and teaching the children an important lesson in a memorable way.'
"At Wychavon we think it is so important that everyone uses their vote and we are set to launch a marketing campaign to get the message across.
We entered our local Wychavon contest at Pershore on 13th September playing the same program in both 2nd and 3rd Sections.