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The players can increase their level by certain number of experience points.
During the game, a new power costs its level times two in experience points.
This is the most common way and in the case of death, no experience points are lost.
It is also used to track experience points and levels.
There are also experience points, which level up the player.
As players go through the game, they earn experience points.
When players gain enough experience points, they can buy new skills.
After building up enough experience points, it will gain a new level.
Characters may learn at any time, only limited by their experience points.
In the case of death, experience points can be lost if hit by monsters at the same time.
It costs 120 experience points for a level six sphere.
If enough experience points are acquired, a character's level will increase.
A character will level up when enough experience points have been gained.
The level increases when the player has spent a certain amount of experience points.
This gives a maximum of 300 experience points per game.
Experience points were earned by doing most actions in the game.
However, it may be killed will one successful hit to collect its experience points.
Similar to other games, the party system allows sharing of experience points between players.
Happy Days occur frequently where experience points and money values increase.
Players do not gain levels after earning so many experience points.
With each death of an enemy the player will gain experience points.
If you manage to do it, you'll get extra experience points.
There will be an astounding 3 experience points for each and every word.
For example, player character gets experience points from finding new rooms.
However, after each session, you will be awarded a certain amount of experience points.