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Maybe long enough for Zoe to get into the game.
Zoe said she would be on Earth within two days.
Zoe looked up at the man who stood over her.
He had to force himself not to look at Zoe.
Suddenly, the way Zoe was feeling started to make more sense.
He's changed a lot since Zoe and the others died.
And she'd never know just what Zoe had done to her!
Zoe died far away, and her body was lost with many others.
He asked Zoe if she wanted him to go in with her.
Zoe told him to let her in and went to the door to wait.
On the other hand, Zoe must have some very good reason for not saying anything.
And would anyone who's got a paper already, like to take the part of Zoe?
Alone with Zoe, she sat down at the kitchen table.
Nor did he ever question Zoe about her private life.
Zoe stood before he did, and she helped him up.
Zoe wasn't going to say whom she thought they were.
Zoe wasn't sure she wanted to see how this worked out.
At least, not until he found Zoe and made sure she was safe.
So Zoe is back at work after taking time off to be a mum.
Zoe took out a camera and asked a woman to take a group photo.
Maybe the difference was that he just couldn't think of Zoe as old.
But my whole life changed less than a year later when our daughter Zoe was born.
Zoe had to work to keep a smile off her face.
Zoe says she doesn't love herself, but is starting to.
They were concerned that Zoe had not seen every look in the show.