Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Nothing in the standard bank can aberrate.
"Ymirites do not aberrate in such fashion," said Thua stiffly.
But it does mean that it is utterly inevitable that aberrated parents will in some way aberrate their children.
The only way an ally can aberrate a child is by talking to and sympathizing with a child who is very ill or "unconscious" from injury.
It could work from below to aberrate her thinking processes, it could give her strange pains-which she attributed to something else-in the areas injured.
They exist as memory in the standard bank, but that memory is so unimportant, having been integrated now as experi- ence, that it cannot aberrate.
This engram may appear again with a very faint additional charge after basic-basic is contacted, but it has lost all power to aberrate or give out a psychosomatic headache or other illness.
The second the analyzer identifies one of those engrams as such, that engram loses about 20 percent of its value to aberrate and usually 100 percent of its value to cause a psychosomatic illness.
He may have to relieve the majority of the engram bank before he can erase the engram which is most likely to aberrate the individual, to saddle him with strange practices and to make him chronically ill.
(If the data is obtained in ther- apy, it is obtained by actual contact with engrams and an engram contacted in reverie has lost its power to aberrate: Dianetic therapy thus makes such an eventual- ity utterly impossible.)
Auditors insist on using colloquial terms such as AA for attempted abor- tion, louse up for engrams which seriously aberrate, aberree for a person not released or cleared, zombie for an electric shock or neurosurgical case and so forth.
For, by return with standard reverie technique, the source is approached, and if the source is contacted at all, the power of the engram to aberrate has become reduced in THE LAWS OF RETURNING strength no matter how many mistakes the auditor makes.