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That is moral equivalency and it is the abetment of evil.
Abetment might be a better word.
Those charged later only faced trial for torture and murder or abetment of murder.
Abetment to suicide was inexplicably not included.
He was charged with murder, conspiracy to murder and abetment to murder.
His brother received a 12-year sentence - 10 years for abetment and two years for conspiracy.
In June 2012, he was fined S$1,000 for abetment.
The judge said, "She like any Indian housewife was under pressure of her husband, so she committed abetment."
If any hurt is caused as a result of the abetment, the abettor may be jailed up to 14 years and must also be fined.
"Persistent and reckless abetment."
Chapter V: Abetment.
With government abetment and Quisling's personal engagement, Jews were registered in a German initiative of January 1942.
Following a trial, she was convicted on the charges of murder and abetment of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment in 1933.
In November 1989, a lawsuit was filed against Kwek for the misuse of funds as well as abetment.
In Singapore, attempted suicide, and abetment of suicide and attempted suicide are criminal acts.
Bridgewater was charged with abetment to extort and conspiracy to extort and resigned from the Senate as a result of the allegations.
The joints supporting the hillock have widened because of the blasts and the hillock needs to be strengthened by providing "abetment" from the western side.
Crimes of accessory liability such as abetment, conspiracy and unlawful assembly in the Penal Code may apply even if harm has not actualized.
Any conspiracy to commit or any attempt to commit or any abetment of any of the offences specified under the Act.
The murder case is taken to the court, where Suresh is tried for murder & Rani for abetment to murder.
In December 2008, additional sessions Judge Babu Mathew P Joseph convicted 62 people for murder while a person was found guilty of abetment.
Finally a CBI probe has judged that he had committed suicide and they plan to charge Mr Todi with abetment of suicide.
As on Dec 8, 2010, the Allahabad High Court reserved its judgment regarding the guilt of Sawant in the abetment of suicide of the participant.
Lars Ulrich, Metallica's drummer, has alienated many Internet-loving fans with his vehement protest against what he (and many artists) considers Napster's abetment of piracy.
With the aid and abetment of Russell and Lydia, Jimmy ultimately commits the murder, but is wracked with guilt after seeing Larry's rather calm demeanor during the struggle.