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This year has been, in a sense, an abounding one for great American writing.
Now we are citizens of an abounding world and everything in it is ours.
He had come to have an abounding faith in the little red-haired man.
Thanks to his abounding health, neither appetite nor sleep ever failed him.
He is known for his abounding courage and almost unflappable good nature.
Mae's abounding energy and enthusiasm may have led this young man to make some wrong assumptions.
The abounding good cheer of these English whalers is matter for historical research.
Of imbuing them with his own abounding love of life.
With my abounding animal health and great physical energy any kind of mental clouding was a rare event.
Really, it was the Abounding Time, the name-thing of the world.
Boardwalks and cruises provide great views of the abounding wildlife.
Having prepared the fleet for action, Churchill turned his abounding energy and sense of urgency upon preparing the country.
He presumed upon the abounding grace of God.
She spoke as if Ruth had been away on holiday and must therefore have abounding strength and energy.
Gosford features an abounding variety of activities and attractions.
Damsel, thy charge Is an abounding pleasure to me.
Why is it that very often it seems easier to race into the abounding life without taking time to abide in Christ first?
The great majority of men lack the abounding vitality which must find a variety of channels to give it free movement.
Adam Innes was a prominent homesteader with an abounding love and spirit of community.
It sealed the bond between you, and made her feel a natural aversion to sunlight, an abounding exuberance by night.
Gunn Baldursson was a natural athlete with exceptional soccer skills and an abounding love for the game.
Such as have been preserved are rather airy epistles full of his abounding joy of life and good nature.
It fixed the whole piece, in all its abounding detail, in a firm, indelible gestalt.
Like his brother Jack, he had a huge heart, and his abounding generosity enriched the city and its citizens.
In his richness and strength Wagner typified the abounding vitality of the new Germany.