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The cutting action is performed by an abrasive disc, similar to a thin grinding wheel.
Abrasive saw: A saw that cuts with an abrasive disc or band, rather than a serrated blade.
The tool is usually powered by an electric motor which drives a pair of abrasive discs like those found in an angle grinder, positioned closely together.
Abrasive saw: a circular or reciprocating saw with an abrasive disc rather than a toothed blade, for cutting very hard materials such as metal.
Only mechanical cleaning can be used(scalpel,micromotor and steel brushes and abrasive discs,microsandblasting unit,ultrasonic chisel).
Interproximal Reduction (also known as "IPR") - IPR is done by the doctor using an abrasive disc or strip.
The motor drives a geared head at a right-angle on which is mounted an abrasive disc or a thinner cut-off disc, either of which can be replaced when worn.
Rather than use a mechanical clutch - basically two abrasive discs that press against each other - the torque converter makes its coupling between the engine and the transmission with hydraulic fluid.
The most useful is the abrasive disk.
There are abrasive disks for metal and others for masonry and concrete.
A flapwheel and the related flap disk is an abrasive disk, used for metal finishing.
Abrasive disks are not made of metal but are molded from tough, abrasive materials like silicon carbide.
Cutting 25-gauge framing is easy by using aviation shears, or tinsnips, or a circular saw equipped with an abrasive disk for cutting metal.
There is no longer access for the large abrasive disks of a crankshaft grinder to reach each bearing, the offset crankshaft webs now being in the way.
Abrasive cut-off saws, also known as chop saws, are similar to miter saws but with a steel cutting abrasive disk.
Saw the plates to length with either an electric circular saw fitted with a metal-cutting abrasive disk or a saber saw equipped with a hacksaw blade.