Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
It abuts the central business district of the city to its west.
As his memory had told him, no building abutted on the rock face.
A more modern frame house is abuts on the east.
This side abutted upon a building one floor less in height.
The camp is abutted by medical centers on the north and south.
Residents of buildings abutting the park have the right to use it.
Even those whose land does not directly abut a site are disturbed.
To the left and right, abutting the main block, were two other buildings.
The church abutted on its east side onto a strong square tower.
The school building abuts the church and is centered around the library.
It is large, to the south, and abuts the courtyard at its northern end.
An apartment complex abuts the shopping center on the west.
Virtually every one of the town's 17 schools already abuts a commercial route.
In Washington, questions abut the size and components of the military presence are being raised.
I transplanted them to the ground abutting the top of the wall and the base.
The track is abutted on both sides by residential areas.
The smaller temple abuts the major one on the northern side.
The roof abutted the end wall of a much larger warehouse.
Paved parking lots abut the school on the south and west.
In 1863, land abutting the creek was sold at auction.
The line immediately abuts the southern tip of the village.
But a great deal of manufacturing space is within or abutting residential communities.
At the top of a column abutting the stage were the words "witness to change."
But residents pay a price for living east of Queens, which abuts the village.
The village center abuts the northern portion of the beach.