Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
At the local high school, most of the students are academically average.
Academically it is one of the better schools in the country.
The first is known, academically, for its physical education department.
He was always better than me academically, and, as it turned out, in business.
The class of 2008 were academically the college's most successful year in its 46-year history.
So far, it is difficult to judge the schools academically.
You see, I saw what was going on and became interested, academically.
But the time off did put them on track academically.
Sam is now 13, and through special education services, he has been able to keep up academically.
But only 5 percent of those in special education ever get out, mostly because they fall behind academically.
Latin works well with children who are not strong academically, he said.
We should not stop students from growing academically while they learn English.
What can my child do to prepare academically for college?
Academically speaking, the second year is quite similar to the first.
You need to support them, and it's more likely that they will be successful academically.
When home is in another state, it can be tough to keep up academically.
While at school, he performed well enough academically to become the best student.
I'd known sort of academically that he would, but seeing it in his face was different.
Your son does quite well academically, but he seems to have difficulty making any real friends in his class.
I'm academically very able, but definitely middle class and I went to one of the better state schools.
Many people look upon college as the reward for having done well academically in high school.
And also scientists tend to look at things much too academically.
Fernando also moved up academically, friends and family members said.
"Every time we looked around, our kids were always last academically.
This is a way parents can be involved academically and socially.