Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
These should be sent to us together with an accompanying letter.
Line numbers are 1-10 and for some an accompanying letter.
"I hope you will take a few minutes to watch this tape," said an accompanying letter.
The accompanying letter had been lost, the fan's name long forgotten.
Fitzgerald's accompanying letter told something about the conditions under which the story was written and the author's feelings.
An accompanying letter thanked me for my help both with the children and in identifying a potential problem.
On 1 May 1660, the contents of the declaration and accompanying letters were made public.
An accompanying letter urged them to cash the checks immediately.
The accompanying letter should be reviewed by the lawyer to make sure it does not conflict with the will, he added.
After a few bags, we opened the accompanying letter.
Jake silently read the rest of his father's accompanying letter, then came to sit beside her.
She is told in the accompanying letter that her mother is still alive.
Her poems were often sent to friends with accompanying letters and nosegays.
In an accompanying letter he says: Here are three articles which you may have if you will pay $125 for the lot.
What I didn't expect was the accompanying letter.
In an accompanying letter, the Pope outlined his position concerning questions about the new guidelines.
He sent the letters to Reed and wrote an accompanying letter apologizing for the mistake.
The later governor described him in an accompanying letter as "unhinged and out of tune".
Please note that some bank branches may require an accompanying letter as an authorisation to pay.
The context of the expression in the accompanying letter is as follows:
In the accompanying letter, Himmler vowed to have the lawyer arrested immediately after the war.
"Basically I was explaining the history of recent pop music," he said of his accompanying letters.
In the accompanying letter, Beatrix said it would be sent to me by a friend in the event of her death.
But many people, she said, preferred that the organization itself send the bricks and an accompanying letter to selected lawmakers.
The accompanying letter congratulated her on the stadium's being named in her honor.