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Free admission for children under 12, disabled visitors and one accompanying person.
A husband or wife of any age could also attend, but any other accompanying person had to be at least 50.
Who pays for my travel, and for that of an accompanying person if I am a child?
An accompanying person can be given a complimentary ticket for the screenings.
The event attracts approximately 600-1000 delegates and 40-100 accompanying persons.
Registration is open to members at C$425, and C$250 for each accompanying person.
The 36th and 37th are specially modified to carry a wheelchair and an accompanying person.
At most venues, participants and accompanying persons were obliged to accommodate at the "official hotel", appointed by the local organizers.
Nor do we consider it appropriate for every disabled insured person to be entitled to the costs of travel and stay for an accompanying person.
Now, Ms. Goldfield says, the organization has dropped the minimum age for an accompanying person and expects that mothers and daughters, for example, will attend together.
Assistance on board trains is also necessary, perhaps by allowing an accompanying person to travel free of charge, and we are therefore in favour of Amendments 47 and 66.
"When someone arrives in a wheelchair," Mrs. Duke said in an interview, "people may speak to the accompanying person, as if the wheelchair-user were not a person."
The 19th EBC congress (London, 1983) holds the record for the highest number of attendees: A total of 1607 delegates (including accompanying persons) attended.
The payment of travel expenses for an accompanying person should be linked to the severe disability concept, which is in any case largely defined perfectly by law in the Member States.
The fact that assistance for disabled persons will be guaranteed by carriers, and that an accompanying person can travel at the carrier's expense as part of this guarantee, are further extremely significant points.
Verification of Identity, Verification of Guardianship, Accompanying Persons, and Amendment Request are requirements for making a PA request.
The state of 'legal limbo' in which both states and escorts accompanying persons in the process of being expelled found themselves was of no help in defining their roles and responsibilities.
In order to reduce this type of bias and analyze accurate information we made an effort to obtain accurate information from the patients as well as from their relatives or their accompanying persons.
Registration fees including VAT are £298.65 per delegate, £179.25 for an accompanying person, with reductions for BPCA members, and a special one day rate for the Friday.
Link workers formed the essential connection between PLHIV, government and community structures, and HIV care and treatment services, commonly accompanying persons from their catchment area to these services.
A substantial part of the regulation focuses on the rights and obligations of persons with reduced mobility, whether as a result of age, disability or any other factor, and - particularly noteworthy - of any accompanying persons.
A French high command sent a letter to Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force Marshal Dwight D. Eisenhower what they think unacceptable, their women are afraid to go out at night without accompanying persons.
The key achievements are something to be proud of, especially when compared to air passenger rights, another matter we consider important. They include fines, compensation for delays, improved access for persons with reduced mobility, wheelchairs, accompanying persons, and better information on all those aspects.
For all bus and coach journeys of 250 km or more, there will be specific assistance, free of charge, for disabled persons and persons with reduced mobility, both at terminals and on board and, where necessary, transport free of charge for accompanying persons.