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You are batting a thousand, I thought acridly.
"I can see," she said acridly, "that my purpose in coming to see you is going to fail."
"Don't let it spoil your entire day," said Markham acridly.
Smoke curled acridly from it.
He crawled out of the port and succeeded in lighting a cigarette that stung acridly in the dry air.
He was acridly bitter.
Her tummy duly rumbled, trilled and exhaled acridly.
"I realize he's only a simple Earthling," Tucker responded acridly, "but did it ever occur to you that he might know what he's doing?"
"Not him," Pitt said acridly.
"Crawling is what Elaida has demanded, though," Morvrin muttered acridly.
Four others-young Han dressed in the blue of officialdom-followed, the strong, acridly sweet scent of their perfume filling the cell.
When you're arraigned, however - " "I know," Rick said acridly.
"I suppose we oughta be grateful they didn't blow the joint up with dynamite," returned Heath acridly.
"Obviously," Kang said acridly.
On six occasions the walls turned red and smoked acridly from heat projectors but they were from low-grade and not the mounted high-frequency weapons.
To my surprise, the men from the acridly contesting parties and the non-political chief of staff all agreed with each other - none with Mr. Bush.
Of which latter, as Loustalot acridly calculates, 'upwards of two thousand have been delivered within the last month, at the Townhall alone.'
But today he only glowered, wishing acridly that his offspring wouldn't vex him so-first by neglecting his wishes, then by inflicting the ferment of their disturbing ideas.
In fact, from the way he fought (a plodding counterpuncher, Johnson acridly noted) to the way he carried himself ("designed for action unhampered by any mental process," observed one sportswriter), Louis was widely regarded as a simpleton.
As the DO backed into Galenski's office from the landing, where smoke and cordite stench curled up acridly from below, so Harry Keogh and his Tartar companions emerged from the Mobius continuum.
It soon became popular to favour the "early, funny ones" - a line that haunts Allen's alter ego Sandy Bates in the rather acridly self-referential Stardust Memories (1980), this one a riff on Fellini's 8 .
After peopling her world with antique elements like a physician named Galen and a river called Aracthus, Turner should know better than to have Eugenides complain acridly to his queen, "You bought a lovely house for me in the suburbs."
He put his head down in his arms for a moment, feeling horribly sick; and before he had gathered his damaged faculties, the thump and reverberation of falling earth and stones began in the shaft, and disturbed dust silted down over him acridly, choking him.