Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
September 4 was spent in additional preparation for the attack.
In some cases, blood is used as an ingredient without any additional preparation.
Construction was completed in 2005 at a cost of about $100 million, but additional preparations took over a year before inmates could be received.
He said the new indictment would require additional preparation because other defendants were expected to be named.
But that would require the additional preparation the noodles were designed to circumvent.
This protects the metal underneath from further rust and can be painted without additional preparation.
This required additional preparation which killed the cells.
The additional preparation required, so students know what to expect and what is required of them.
Books and other multipage items can also be examined in some instances but these require additional preparation.
Several additional preparations took place in addition to tropical cyclone warnings and watches.
This allows the cheese to be applied directly to the cooked pasta without additional preparation or ingredients.
Variations of the steps described above may be necessary to accommodate additional preparation tasks or supplementary activities for specific project conditions.
Jerky is ready-to-eat and needs no additional preparation.
These jumps are similar to those done by youngsters in the playground or in neighborhood games and as such, do not require additional preparation.
And for those who do their own returns, there is a learning curve for the new forms, as well as additional preparation time.
The rover team is commanding Spirit this week to make additional preparations for the Mars southern hemisphere winter season.
Describes additional preparations for the lamb roast, including chilling beverages in the river, and mowing the lawn.
It is usually served uncooked without any other additional preparation along with other Korean side dishes such as kimchi.
Iraq has massed an enormous war machine on the Saudi border capable of initiating hostilities with little or no additional preparations.
Erwin has a few classes geared toward helping persons who need additional preparation to enroll in career classes.
May 19 Rose's lawyers ask for 30-day postponement of May 25 hearing, citing need for additional preparation time.
But without additional preparation, Mr. Perito said, "I could not render effective assistance of counsel."
In addition, the caller may learn if the Centers for Disease Control recommend any additional preparations, such as malaria medication, before a visit to the country.
For those who do not meet the state established cut score, the score is an indicator that additional preparation is necessary before entering college level courses.
Most teachers transferred or retired rather than take additional preparation, and the incoming principal, Analida Munera, had to hire 41 new teachers.