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Speak not to me under this sun, I adjure you.
If I fail, she adjured him, you'll have to take my place.
Let us adjure him, in the name of the God before whom he must perhaps appear, to speak the truth.
I adjure you by our friendship of a hundred years."
But I adjured him to secrecy with a solemn oath.
A voice of greater command than the others adjured them to forget plunder.
"Once and for all," said the prisoner, "I adjure you to set me free.
"Enough; is there any need to adjure me thus?
Get a grip of yourself, Robbie, she adjured herself.
He went into that room, and (the noise continuing) adjured it to speak; but in vain.
This appears to be a form of the verb "conjurer" or to adjure.
I was in charge to adjure the initiated members in Drama.
I adjure you: do not forget what you have learned."
If anything in it lives, I adjure you solemnly to kill it.
Tom, not thinking it worth while to reply to this, merely adjured him to find a suitable button.
It can barely adjure its people to pursue it.
He adjured frivolous conversation, sexual contact, material possessions and most direct communication with his family.
Surely Bobby had not meant Roger when he adjured her to tell nobody?
Christ adjured his disciples to be as wise as snakes.
'Shut up and hold still,' a familiar voice adjured her.
Stop being stupid, she adjured herself, annoyed by her own twitchiness.
A woman rapped on the glass with an umbrella and adjured us to desist instantly.
But take good care, I adjure thee, if any one questions thee about me, to give him no satisfaction.
On my telling him that I traveled unarmed, he could hardly believe it, and adjured me to get a revolver at once.
I adjure you in the name of Adonai: speak!