Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
As a result, the report suggests that new administration procedures be put in place.
For this reason, their administration procedures should be clarified.
This was to benefit from economies of scale - facilities for students and administration procedures could be shared with the main campus operations.
The Enterprise Act made substantial amendments to the administration procedures for failing companies.
To correctly execute administration procedures involving all institutional issues.
Secondly, the authorisation and administration procedures have not been simplified as originally planned.
The zones combine expedited customs and administration procedures with tax incentives, to increase investment.
The only way this can be confirmed and challenged is through lengthy administration procedures and at huge expense to the school.
What are Administration procedures?
The purpose of the survey assessing the status of the waste management "market" is to make waste administration procedures transparent.
In addition, the transfere of administration procedures to a particular fulfilling municipality (erfüllende Gemeinde) might be possible as well.
The Commission and the Member States should also simplify and speed up administration procedures relating to Structural Funds.
Understudies learn common tasks such as workstation maintenance and Linux installation, as well as CSL-specific administration procedures.
In 2008 the President announced that the Republic of Kazakhstan requires a new tax code, which should provide for lower tax rates and simplified tax administration procedures.
The DTI proposes extending the current company voluntary arrangements and administration procedures to partnerships as well as implementing some procedural changes in dealing with insolvent partnerships.
A newer model, the ATNAA (Antidote Treatment Nerve Agent Auto-Injector), has both drugs in one syringe, allowing for the simplification of administration procedures.
It is slow, with the process of exchanging shares for cash taking up to three weeks, and it is cumbersome, with each share sale requiring a whole series of costly paper-based administration procedures.
The NAEP assessments are the same, in content and administration procedures, across states; NAEP plays a valuable role in making an "apples to apples" comparison for the country.
Note that the University's Administration Procedures discourage the reference to the University as "SUNY-Binghamton," "SUNY-B," "Harpur College," or other names not listed above.
The SEUPB said that this was due to "major failures in the organisation's ability to adhere to the conditions associated with its funding allocation" uncovered following a "thorough audit" of the tendering and administration procedures used by FAIR.
In any case, it will constitute progress if we now adopt the proposal in Mrs Nedelcheva's report to have a proper law on EU administration procedures, which we finally have a basis for in Article 298 of the Treaty of Lisbon.
Test Questioned David E. Cole, director of the University of Michigan's Automotive Transporation Program, said he doubted that Honda and Mitsubishi would achieve such large increases in fuel economy if the new engines were tested according to Environmental Protection Administration procedures.
The HAVA dictates the EAC will create voluntary guidelines for voting systems, maintaining a clearinghouse of information regarding election administration procedures including testing and certification of election equipment, and administering the Election Assistance and Help America Vote Programs.