Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
We want to adopt an approach from a local perspective.
Massachusetts has adopted an approach that experts say may provide a model for other states.
Does the Council intend to adopt an approach to this situation?
"But if the other side wants to adopt an approach of confrontation, cooperation is hard to justify."
We need to adopt an approach that aims to promote the improvement of the environment.
We should adopt an approach of evolving, parallel policies with the Soviets.
If so, why not adopt an approach used in Tokyo: cars without any seats during rush hour?
We must therefore adopt an approach which is not prejudicial to the rights and protection of women, in line with the European social model.
I am convinced that, given the information currently available, we should adopt an approach of the utmost caution.
The club is adopting an approach pioneered last year by the Humane Society.
The restoration process adopted an approach where each building, or element of the gardens was informed by archaeology.
Consequently, it is crucial to continue adopting an approach that protects these services, particularly by protecting them from international competition.
The Presidency has therefore adopted an approach based on the principle of solidarity, ensuring that resources are directed to those most in need.
At first it looked as if the Legislature would adopt an approach that would only make the ticket-scalping problem worse.
Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, allow me to adopt an approach to today's debate which is perhaps different from that of the previous speaker.
Initial work on this topic has adopted an approach called Value Sensitive Design.
Upon cancellation of the fountain syrup, the community continued, adopting an approach of activism.
Faced with the limitations of modern science, the medical examiner's office has adopted an approach similar to one relied on thousands of years ago.
Instead, they are adopting an approach in which students are encouraged to become involved in activities in school and outside.
'The accident might have been avoided if he had adopted an approach which enabled him to keep the crane in sight.
Archer (1987) suggests adopting an approach which assumes the influence of all social categorizations, rather than simply gender, on psychological subjects.
This reform cannot wait until 2007, as it will only increase injustice and encourage the new member countries to adopt an approach based on maximum productivity.
It is of paramount importance for us to adopt an approach based on the risk of the relevant medicines being falsified.
To adopt an approach akin to that used in the United States would be fundamentally to alter the rationale for judicial review.
They adopted an approach where further attempts at station closures were unlikely, particularly where television service was otherwise unavailable.