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The aerodynamic model is usually extremely generic if present at all.
This level does not require an aerodynamic model, but accurate systems modeling is required.
There are two basic aerodynamic models of insect flight.
Under these rules, relevant aircraft systems must be fully simulated, and a comprehensive aerodynamic model is required.
And there are trophy wives, the newer, more aerodynamic models a top driver trades in for as he makes his way to the lead.
X-Plane differentiates itself by implementing an aerodynamic model known as the blade element theory.
Aerodynamic models were also used in wind tunnels and as large-scale droppable gliding models.
When the valve was opened, the compressed air passed through the settling chamber, nozzle, and the test section, where instrumented aerodynamic models were mounted.
HRG also commenced manufacturing the Aerodynamic model on basically the same vintage chassis.
We have used a combination of aerodynamic models and comparative data from more than 600 museum skins to examine the costs of tail elongation in birds.
Unlike most blow-down wind tunnels, the TWT test section had a so-called "walk in" test section that could accommodate very large aerodynamic models.
According to one source, the Clen Antú was intended as an aerodynamic model of a four engined flying wing transport, the I.Ae 38 Naranjero.
FAA FFS Level B - Requires three axis motion and a higher-fidelity aerodynamic model than does Level A. The lowest level of helicopter flight simulator.
Blade-element theory and other computational aerodynamic models can be used to compute aerodynamic forces in real time or to pre-compute aerodynamic forces of a new design for later use in a traditional lookup table type of simulator.
As a Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard, Alben collaborated with Ernst A. van Nierop and Michael P. Brenner in a paper titled "How Bumps on Whale Flippers Delay Stall: An Aerodynamic Model".
However, a number of problems arose in defining VOT in some languages, and there is presently a call for reconsidering whether this speech synthesis parameter should be used to replace articulatory or aerodynamic model parameters which do not have these problems, and which have a stronger explanatory significance.
In 1906 he became the President of the Institute for Testing of Aerodynamic Models of the Powered Airship Society (Motorluftschiff-Studiengesellschaft) and its successor company, the Luft-Fahrzeug-Gesellschaft, which dealt with the construction, development and distribution of airships, including for the Navy.
This Modellversuchsanstalt der Motorluftschiff-Studiengesellschaft (MLStG; German for "Institute for Testing of Aerodynamic Models of the Powered Airship Society") later became the Aerodynamische Versuchsanstalt (German for "Aerodynamics Laboratory" or "Aerodynamic Experimental Station").