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"We have held a few affairs of honour there and it has done very well.
"We are having an affair of honour," said Turnbull, as if it were the most rational thing in the world.
A challenge and a duel, an affair of honour.
He was wounded there in an 'affair of honour'.
Or am I to understand that you have been hatching an affair of honour for sixteen years?"
'It's much too soon to provoke an affair of honour,' he remarked.
After Wall killed an acquaintance due to "affairs of honour", he moved back to England.
I forgot till half an hour ago that I had an urgent affair of honour on my hands.
His ears were in tatters, for Monday was never successful in affairs of honour.
The matherial was also used for the novel "An Affair of Honour".
In that casual military society, Fashnalgid was able to pass off the duel as an affair of honour regarding a lady.
Harold G. Marcus described the action as "one of the most expensive affairs of honour in history."
An old affair of honour.
Of course, gentlemen still went abroad, mostly to France, to settle affairs of honour with pistol or sword.
"It is unusual to have such a crowd of ruffians to witness an affair of honour," he remarked.
I served in Hounslow, and should know something, I think, of affairs of honour.
Parliament and the Council have turned Kosovo into an affair of honour over the financial ceiling of category 4.
I want your assistance, my dear fellow, in an affair of honour,' said Mr. Winkle.
If he had hit you it would have been murder; your affair is a mere matter of course, an affair of honour, be easy.'
It had been an affair of honour but it hadtaken all Hal's influence and a purse of gold guineas to keep it quiet.
At dawn tomorrow Doctor Syn, with Mr. Cobtree here as second, will meet my uncle in an affair of honour.
While we were at dinner at Mr Mann's, word was brought by his secretary, that a cavalier demanded audience of him upon an affair of honour.
This undignified affair might be termed the dishonourable face of the affair of honour, but it was not typical, for both officers had more political friends than professional merits.
The unexpected flight of Emperor Ferdinand I made it an affair of honour for the prime minister not to resign, and Pillersdorf remained true to his post.
Duelling between gentleman protagonists with pistols or swords was so common at the time, that the magazine had a regular monthly column called "Affairs of Honour", devoted to them.
And whether I have or not, it is still an affair of honor.
"We have held a few affairs of honour there and it has done very well.
And certainly not when he is already engaged in an affair of honor."
This appears to be an affair of honor," she said.
We must accept that this was an unavoidable affair of honor.
When an affair of honor is involved, formal ranks are discarded.
Be careful, or you might turn this into an affair of honor."
He had said several times that it was a Vulcan matter, an affair of honor.
"When he's old enough to understand the caste codes, affairs of honor here."
"My council advises me that this is not an affair of honor!
Affair of Honor is a silent film that was inspired by a famous painting.
"Russell Seiizhas asked me to speak for him in an affair of honor."
There's family drama; there are affairs of honor, blood feuds.
"We are having an affair of honour," said Turnbull, as if it were the most rational thing in the world.
A challenge and a duel, an affair of honour.
He was wounded there in an 'affair of honour'.
"You are both right, gentlemen; but since when have you laughed at affairs of honor?"
Wimbledon Common, the more usual venue for affairs of honor, would have been safer.
Or am I to understand that you have been hatching an affair of honour for sixteen years?"
Once he imprisoned me within the temple grounds, this was no longer an affair of honor."
'It's much too soon to provoke an affair of honour,' he remarked.
After Wall killed an acquaintance due to "affairs of honour", he moved back to England.
Summervale was an experienced duelist, one who had killed many times in "affairs of honor."
The English government could not reach inside these walls, and the Spanish ambassador was happy to look the other way in an affair of honor.
I forgot till half an hour ago that I had an urgent affair of honour on my hands.
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