With friends like these, who needs a real estate agent?
Then the real estate agent comes looking for me, and he gets lost just as I find my way out.
She then moved on to become a real estate agent in 2007.
He has also spent some time as a real estate agent.
While still single he has a real estate agent show him a house or two.
Since 1992 he has worked as a real estate agent.
I'll go and tell the estate agent you'll be a little bit late.
He has worked as an estate agent and company director.
People who want to buy a house often ask a real estate agent to help them.
In some States, a person who wants to be a real estate agent must go to a special school for a few months.
With friends like these, who needs a real estate agent?
Then the real estate agent comes looking for me, and he gets lost just as I find my way out.
She then moved on to become a real estate agent in 2007.
He has also spent some time as a real estate agent.
While still single he has a real estate agent show him a house or two.
Since 1992 he has worked as a real estate agent.
His father left show business to become a real estate agent.
When he's done, the real estate agent says he can get $1,600 a month for the place.
People who want to buy a house often ask a real estate agent to help them.
In some States, a person who wants to be a real estate agent must go to a special school for a few months.