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The next five or six minutes were spent very agreeably.
That day and the next few days were spent agreeably enough.
One woman said she wanted very much to be the last to leave, and the rest, agreeably, went out past her.
We remember him agreeably from the earlier book in which he appeared.
I tried to look agreeably interested in what he had to say.
"Everyone should have a year like this," he said agreeably.
It was almost four feet long and felt agreeably solid in my hands.
"I probably went along with it more agreeably because of that," her mother said.
He was looking at me agreeably, and I took a venture.
He got up agreeably and found a robe for himself.
When he half turned, saw me and nodded agreeably, I knew there was no trouble.
But little at all went agreeably for Adams in the weeks to follow.
"Certainly no one would look agreeably on having some kind of depot there," she said.
"Their image is so bad that people can be very agreeably surprised," she said.
"Or, as in your own case at least so far, not," she said agreeably.
But I have a room to myself, and we can talk there quite agreeably."
You will be among our own there, and the beer is agreeably cheap.
I have passed many an afternoon very agreeably in these conversations.
Besides, he went so far as to chat agreeably with them.
But he was agreeably disappointed in his expectations, for not a report came.
"It means that people come without expectations and leave agreeably surprised."
"Certainly, if you would feel more comfortable," he said agreeably.
"Okay," she said agreeably, and let him have it full in the face.
"He would rather disappoint them agreeably than not at all."
"That's about what it comes down to," he said agreeably.