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The machines in these plans were cleaned with air blowers.
This is typically done during maintenance with the air blower turned on.
"We use an air blower instead, which means net power goes up, but noise is low."
Dust the lens with a camera brush or an air blower.
"We blow the candy scents out with an air blower."
Dan preferred old-fashioned towels, but the air blowers were cheaper.
When we got back to the ship, I went into the toilet and turned on the hot air blower in the refresher.
Large factories usually employ air blowers to accomplish this.
Air blowers in the base of the tank may also be used to help recover the fat as a froth.
The shower will stop automatically and warm air blowers will dry you off.
He's using gardening's latest high-tech helper, the jet air blower.
Mary Ann cranked the air blower up to a toasty pitch.
Relief washed over me with that sound, and then as the air blowers kicked back on I permitted myself the luxury of being afraid.
They had air blowers rigged from vinyl sacks and ribs of memory plastic.
An air blower forces air through the upper airway.
They may also have a forced air supply, from either an air blower or an oxygen cylinder.
The material is then fed into an air blower that separates the lighter aluminum and plastic from the remaining glass.
Then the Colonel speeded up the air blower.
Fuel flows into the burner and is burnt with air provided from an air blower.
The air blower's flow rate is variable.
She and another girl were holding hot air blowers to a Cliaand uniform that I thought was just right for this occasion.
They went a short distance, squirming past the flaccid bulk of a deactivated air blower.
The air blowers were off.
The fabric form, or air form, is attached to the foundation and inflated with an air blower.
They were enduring the cold temperature in the Recital Hall because the hot air blowers had been turned off to prevent background noise.