Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
We also support the need for the military to give up some of their air space.
There's limited air space to play these on the radio.
They cannot transfer the church's air space to their site without also having the club's.
Restricting the use of military air space would also make a significant difference.
I guess it'll be made in the air space probably above Belgium.
"Our presence in its air space seems to have triggered it."
Both countries banned each other's planes from their air space.
There was only a thin wedge of air space left in the room.
If possible, though, an air space of an inch or two between the appliances would be a good idea.
Air space - domestic and international - is the final frontier.
"Not in free air space, international waters, or on private property."
The air space above and adjacent to the area in which an operation is being conducted.
American officials insist that Chinese air space was not violated.
Even the air space above the bungalow was under surveillance.
"There's a certain amount of air space in all concrete," he said.
Well, perhaps, but they also might be entering the air space of wishful thinking.
The terrorists have the entire island locked down, including the air space.
Put something into the air space between the two tubes," he says.
Be aware, however, that the reduction ratio may include air space.
There is doubt about ozone safety because of the closed air space.
We have worked hard to give the European Union a single air space.
The large birds took flight near the air space the plane occupied only minutes ago.
"It realizes the future value of the air space above this building.
The 77-year-old building had been renovated several times, creating many dead air spaces.
The area offers great flying weather and has suitable air space.