Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The airline reservations clerk had most helpfully given him some food for thought.
It does not explain why a plane is late, but its data are often more up to date than those available to airline reservations clerks.
At one time she worked as an airline reservation clerk but later became a full time writer.
It's the music you hear when the airline reservations clerk puts you on hold.
An airline reservations clerk has "a voice fresh as bathroom deodorizer."
So did a black airlines reservation clerk who decided she would grow her hair back long and uncurl it from its Afro.
One couple eventually gave her money to take a year off from her job as an airline reservation clerk and write her book.
The seating charts, also used by travel agents and airline reservation clerks, can allow precision booking.
Or, for example, you would probably want the airline reservation clerk to check that the seat you are reserving is still available.)
"For example, there are a lot of people in the customer-service area - bank tellers, travel agents, airline reservation clerks - who don't do their job very well."
During her period in New York, Lee initially worked as an airlines reservation clerk, before a monetary gift enabled her to get to work in earnest on To Kill a Mockingbird.
Airline reservations clerks in the US and elsewhere wear telephonic headsets that monitor the length and content of all telephone calls, as well as the duration of their toilet and lunch breaks.
However, the skills required may also be transferred to positions such as airline reservations clerks, customer service representatives with hotels, car rental agencies, tour companies and airlines as well as a variety of other tourism related careers.
In fact, jobs such as bank tellers, phone operators, and airline reservation clerks, which are typically occupied by women, are the hardest hit in terms of technological impact; these jobs are the first to be lost as they are easily computer automated.
Employees are encouraged to work in teams, learning to do many tasks, so that a machine operator can also repair machinery, a bank teller can fill in as a loan officer and an airline reservation clerk can push ticket sales by recommending a hotel and museum to visit on arrival.