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One of the things I learned is that the functioning drinker causes more damage than the alkie in the doorway.
"Going for to be an alkie."
"Try hanging with an alkie sometime.
"A whole friggin' police unit all decked out in alkie and shiny new bribes?"
"Now he's an alkie," Gonzalez says.
"Total cheap alkie," Price murmurs.
Peg keeps reminding me of something that her alkie pals over in AA like to go around saying-more will be revealed.
I did install a remote in the Magan, and another in the back room where it was clear that more than a little alkie was consumed.
That's how it took ma Ma ages tae leave ma Dad, even when eh wis an alkie.
Calligan is trying to replace all the guys calling in 'sick,' but it seems like everybody who shows up for an interview is either an alkie or a fake."
After that, Waits retreats into his usual ho humdrum bummed-out bluesywoozy alkie drone mode mood muzak, the sort of mozzery gushy mush your dog would make if it had vocal chords and could handle its drink.
Whenever I was down, there I would go, just to sit and watch the Giants of Bioindustry and the Arts walk by, sipping from their carafes of alkie (which I don't envy them, rot-gut seaweed never having been a favorite of mine).
Alky goes to my head: I'd be no good when you need help launching."
Alky is currently 4-1 in International competition for the Philippines at 55 kg (121 lbs).
Alky was born on July 2 in Quezon City, Philippines.
At thirteen, Alky was diagnosed with Osgood-Schlatter disease, which affected his knee early in its development.
Alky began wrestling at age ten with Cobras Youth Club of Rochester, New York.
Alky was able eligible to wrestle for the nations of the Philippines, United States, England (because of adoptive rights) and Italy.
Alky (born 2 July 1990) is a Filipino Italian and American wrestler who competes for St. John's University and the Philippines National Team.