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The allocation of tasks and responsibilities to individuals.
Labour specialization - allocation of tasks along rational criteria.
However, with a fair and correct allocation of tasks and aid, the prospects for coordination and optimisation are also good.
He was responsible for postings and personal administration, monitoring the performance of the police units, allocation of tasks, traffic regulations and training.
The Third Section was organized into the following departments (ekspeditsiya); although there was no strict allocation of tasks among different offices.:
Division of labour, instead, refers to the allocation of tasks to individuals or organisations according to the skills and/or equipment those people or organisations possess.
Codecision leads to transparency and openness and facilitates dialogue, and is therefore the starting point for a clear separation of powers and allocation of tasks.
The need for controlled performance leads to a deliberate, ordered environment, allocation of tasks (ie. division of labour), specialisation, the setting of standards and measurement of results against them etc.
Thus the traditional formulation of an agenda needs to be changed so that a meeting starts with clarification of purpose, agreement on timing, allocation of tasks and consolidation of process issues from previous meetings.
Therefore, because approval from citizens depends, among other things, on the allocation of tasks between the EU and the Member States being clearer than it has been until now, and managed in a more balanced way.
It allows for efficient allocation of tasks between the individual Tor-M1 crews and allows each TLAR to be linked into a wider air defense system, thereby increasing target detection range and reaction time.
Other skills involved were the planning of time, the allocation of tasks, drawing up a questionnaire to be used to cover local facilities, telephoning and interviewing local licensees and decision-making in relation to the selection, organization and editing of information gathered.
Coming as I do from a large Member State, I have seen only that the centralised allocation of tasks does not necessarily represent an improvement, but that individuals must really be helped where they actually are, and that, I believe, is done better by the Member States.
Let us put a stop to playing games with numbers and talk about what we have to do and how much it will cost, and then we will be able to talk about own resources and the allocation of tasks and about who has to do what.