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Both of them, different as they are, make allusive works.
You make it plain enough, for all your allusive speech.
Many characters in the novel have names that are allusive word games.
In general, they thought the latter part of the story too sinister and allusive.
How birds play into the entire piece remains similarly allusive.
It is the nature of prophecy to be vague and allusive.
And here is the central achievement of this allusive, graceful novel.
That is, the works tend to be allusive rather than self-explanatory.
The allusive titles were suggested by his wife after reading the manuscripts.
A lengthy, complex, and allusive work, it had to wait to find its audience.
The name is allusive and refers to a public place for taking a leisurely walk.
His poetry is allusive and complex, with possible Buddhist influence.
There was a strange, allusive, parenthetical quality to the writing.
His painting, too, is semi-abstract but in a more allusive way.
And he has a lively, allusive imagination, not that you could tell from this installation.
Now his look was more pinched, more allusive of pain.
She has a lightheaded voice and a love of mysterious, allusive lyrics.
Many of Cunningham's other plant studies are similarly allusive.
The first is Ravel at his best, subtle and wonderfully allusive music.
At the same time, they operate in allusive tandem.
The rich sets, the allusive, elusive script which always suggests more than it says.
Most Christian art is allusive, or built around themes familiar to the intended observer.
For letter-writing, at its best, is an allusive art, something that suggests rather than describes.
"Come to Leave," the more allusive and abstract of the two, actually takes the most direct approach to escaping from grief.
"You get a definite sense of the wide reading he had done and feel this sort of allusive quality."