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"Maybe we should go down and give them some alms."
The child had seen and heard enough to know that this was not a place at which to ask for alms.
But they have a responsibility to give alms from what is left over.
He did not cook food but had to go out for alms.
From 1828 to 1965 the structure was used as a county alms house.
The alms we got kept falling, but the cost of our living went up.
An he should, it were an alms to hang him!
Yet not quite like any he had seen before in the alms boxes.
Once, while begging for alms, he happened across the house of his former wife.
They knock on the door, and ask the man inside for alms.
He gave presents to his friends, and large alms to the poor.
Eating once and then going again to a village for alms.
He would help the poor and distribute many alms to them.
"When we were little kids our parents used to bring us here to give alms.
They knew that he made it a practice to go every night to a certain church to pray and give alms.
"It will do us good to live on alms for a while, anyway."
If it is more award than alms, apply with a full heart.
They did not cook in the temple, but lived on alms food.
The people had been given chunks of coal as alms.
A saint came to the door of their palace one day and asked for alms.
It would be ill grace on our part to ask alms of you now.
The Church might benefit by the exuberance of their alms.
It made him into a mendicant, hand out for alms.
I was with him when he dropped some coins into our alms box.
We have only one more place to cry for alms and she would be quickly back."