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They needed someone like Amma to bring them to the masses.
Amma and her father talked continuously in English to each other.
How Amma's efforts are paid for remains something of a mystery.
For example, amma means the act of kissing rather than to kiss.
But Amma and the car were not ready until almost five o'clock, when the sun was moving towards the west.
Amma recently reminded me that at first I didn’t believe them, and how upset they’d been.
I cannot forget that role of Baby Amma in my life.
These hugs are a big draw for those who attend Amma's public programs.
Part of the building, which is home to Amma and her numerous grandchildren, has collapsed.
Amma used the milk for tea and to make fresh yogurt daily.
She also has the desire to protect Amma from the enemies of the kingdom.
Amma promises to Chinni that she will return in exactly 1-year.
I eventually reached a great hall where people were gathered, waiting patiently to meet Amma.
Perhaps Amma shall come too because I see you are firm friends already.
Amma's touch is seen as having the potential to ignite one's spiritual power.
As with so many of their needs, hopes and sorrows, they brought this crisis to Amma.
"But the person I most wanted to sleep with was Amma.
Fibers from the stalk of the amma you admired so much.
They would have had their own tent and all the amma they could eat.
In India, however, what Amma offers is far more significant and complex.
Malayalis of all ages and religions called her Amma, mother.
He likes to see life as living in the love of Amma (or mother-goddess).
One of the twins rebelled against the universal order created by Amma.
Amma makes a point of doing honor to India's rich vegetarian cuisine.
Amma is certain that her house, which was left standing by the civil war, will be finished off by the sea.