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Members of the gun crew also carried a single round in an ammunition pouch.
He fished in his ammunition pouch and came up with a handful of coins.
His magazine rifle lay intact beside him, though so did an ammunition pouch.
Beside it was the holster belt and leather ammunition pouch.
Harper grinned and buckled on the belt with its ammunition pouch.
Two of the men wore old-fashioned bandoliers, the rest ammunition pouches.
Sharpe handed up the carbine and his belt with its ammunition pouch.
They had left his guns and ammunition pouches.
He tucked the polythene bag into the waterproofed ammunition pouch.
The ammunition pouches were formed and hardened leather secured by a brass clip.
Besides the body armor and black masks, he said, the robbers wore ammunition pouches.
The pair in mufti carried rifles and had belts heavy with ammunition pouches.
Side arms in flap holsters hung from their hips, and the belts held ammunition pouches.
Ben points to Jack's ammunition pouches and webbing.
By the time a man had stripped himself of pack, haversack, ammunition pouch, weapons and boots the Captain would be long gone.
Bolan set the belt on the bed, next to the ammunition pouches and the Beretta.
He felt in his new ammunition pouch and fingered the message that had been delivered that morning from Wellington himself.
He carried a light machinegun, with leather ammunition pouches.
They all had ammunition pouches and grenades hung regulation style from loops on their webbing.
An M-16 automatic rifle was slung on one shoulder and there were ammunition pouches on his chest.
Over his parka he wore light field service order of belt, cross-straps, ammunition pouches and a small haversack.
The sheriff ran his eye over the pile of guns, ammunition pouches and knives, till it came to rest on a radio transmitter.
When you are issued with ammunition pouches immediately after this briefing, you will draw either red or yellow paint shells.
Each man bore his own armamentcarbine, sword, dagger, canteen, and ammunition pouch.
If there was lint or a bit of thread in the crease of an ammunition pouch, it wasn't "clean."