Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Amusingly, nobody seems to able to get his name right.
"How soon can they be in condition to run amusingly?"
And those folk had, amusingly enough, done real work at the place.
So the bar lines running down the page are sometimes amusingly crooked.
Also in the film, quite amusingly, is a big naughty dog.
Some of the center's proposed rule changes were amusingly straightforward.
We'll be back next week with another classic, yet amusingly lightweight, video.
Much of what Oskar says in the book is amusingly beside the point.
Here, everything has also been mixed up quite amusingly.
We have what she amusingly calls a loose relationship.
Just a few days ago the end came for any faith in present international nuclear "safeguards," as they are amusingly called.
Not really, because in and around this maze we had a choice of several amusingly named restaurants.
Amusingly flirtatious, they did not make reality look too grim.
The story was amusingly told from the point of view of a newborn baby.
But, amusingly, that difference is totally accounted for by the shrinking government.
Amusingly enough, indeed, the very dissemination of this idea is used against its authenticity.
But it may never have been done as amusingly."
Amusingly, Stefan's jersey number is 17 - his supposed age.
Amusingly, it was in a section headed, "We will clean up politics".
To British clients coming off the street, the place was simply amusingly American.
And why bother when Skipper is already so amusingly thoughtful?
Fellow Republicans no longer see him as an amusingly irascible party leader.
The long, occasionally odd, history of patents is amusingly covered in another book.
As amusingly, admiring women patted down their dancing men in another piece.
Rose said, amusingly holding up his arm and pretending to clutch a ball.