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These computers used analog circuits, which made them very hard to program.
In addition, analog circuits can be used to do many of the same functions.
In the early days of electronics, all electronic devices used analog circuits.
It is one of the only analog circuits on a digital memory chip.
In general, analog circuits measure or control the amplitude of signals.
Bootstrapping is a form of positive feedback in analog circuit design.
Analog circuits are used for signals that have a range of amplitudes.
An as example, one may imagine trying to log on to Wikipedia with just analog circuits.
Loop gain and stability calculations were added for analog circuits.
This allows for complete analog circuits to be made on a silicon chip in a much smaller space.
Early commercial networks were composed of dedicated, analog circuits used for voice communications.
Even though digital circuits are used more often, analog circuits will always be necessary.
Inductors are used extensively in analog circuits and signal processing.
The typical flow for the layout of analog circuits might be :
Analog circuits do not involve quantisation of information into digital format.
In analog circuits, a wideband 90-degree phase-difference network is used.
Interestingly though, modern digital technology is now imitating the rich sounds of those old analog circuits.
Electrical pickup between analog circuits (crosstalk) is yet another.
In the digital age, it turns out, there are still jobs at which a well-designed analog circuit can excel.
These analog circuits have been derived from theoretical and experimental research by biologists into the function of the brain.
The need to pass through analog circuits may theoretically impair the signal, but not enough to be noticed.
Verilog-A is an industry standard modeling language for analog circuits.
"Analog circuits can be profitably operated here," he said, because the design does not demand the high current needed for digital operation.
To make the concepts simpler, this article will discuss analog circuits used before digital signal processing.
An analog circuit provides an additional fine delay of 0 to 100 ns.