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Like that timber wolf on the mountain he had a kind of animal courage.
His face stayed set in disapproving lines, but he did not lack animal courage.
He had animal courage, if nothing else; he'd been decorated for bravery during the First World War.
He won victories through sheer "animal courage."
Ermik had a good spy's self-command, and animal courage.
She had never lacked animal courage and in the face of danger it flooded back hotly into her veins, stiffening her spine, narrowing her eyes.
That big muscular frame of his held plenty of animal courage, but helped him to no decision when the dangers to be braved were such as could neither be knocked down nor throttled.
This man was endowed in an eminent degree, not only with ordinary animal courage, that physical bravery of the battle-field, which is solely due to muscular energy, but he had what is far nobler-- moral courage, firmness of soul.
This is the story of that scheduled six-round bout, more specifically the story of two men shortly to face that remorseless truth: that no law can be passed which will abolish cruelty or desperate need - nor, for that matter, blind animal courage.