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The city aiming to do the annexing usually has more political clout.
He signs up for an Annexing unit, where computer technology will grow a newly functioning limb.
For the most part, the Assembly's territorial annexing of neighboring star systems was a one-way proposition.
Many residential buildings were constructed at the turn of the 20th century, which led to the annexing of large parts of the current city.
The wall represents annexing of territory: 30 water wells seized, 16 Palestinian villages separated from cultivatable land.
The European Gardens, made just after the annexing of Savoie in 1863, where one can admire the very rich and diverse vegetation.
Notwithstanding the annexing of modern buildings in the recent times, some antique constructions blended with the Dutch architecture still exist with the school premises.
This is why the annexing of Austria without one single shot being fired is sometimes called the Blumenkrieg (war of flowers).
Yet all agree that an annexing by Morris is not likely or, for now, even possible, since Montclair does not share a border with that county.
The illegal settlement is continuing, as are the de facto annexing of territory, the building of the wall and the compulsory purchase of Palestinian property.
Joint Resolution for Annexing Texas to the United States, Approved March 1, 1845.
Video interview "Is the U.S. Annexing Mexico and Canada?"
After the Third Reich's annexing of Austria in 1938 (Anschluss) life became hard for Austrian Jews.
His successor Kurt Schuschnigg maintained his regime until Adolf Hitler's annexing of Austria in 1938.
After the annexing of Crimea, he attended the triumphant present oath of citizenship to Russia by Tatars at the Karasu-bazar.
The annexing of Savoy by France after the unification of Italy meant that Chambéry had an académie between 1860 and 1920, but not a university.
Context is enhanced, too, by Michael Coleman's use of mapmaking schemes and Stephen s'Soreff's annexing of chart-making sensibilities.
The annexing of Texas was a symptom of a larger frenzy that was sweeping through America like a nineteenth-century version of "Lotto fever."
And on 2 September 1484 Bishop Waynflete appointed a commission for the annexing of the priory to Magdalen College, Oxford.
His life in Hungary would change after the Third Reich annexing of Austria in 1938, with the Austrian border just 100 miles from Budapest.
Neither the Joint Resolution for Annexing Texas to the United States nor the Ordinance of Annexation contain any provisions regarding flags.
The invasion ended on 6 October 1939 with the division and annexing of the whole of the Second Polish Republic by Germany and the Soviet Union.
The parish has since increased in size through the annexing of additional parcels of land which previously were part of Chesham, Ashley Green and Drayton Beauchamp.