The announcement of the Corporation's decision on June 30, 1757, was bitterly controversial, and, in the aftermath, discipline at the College collapsed.
Barely three hours later, Justice Marshall's announcement of his decision to retire underscored just how accurate that prediction is likely to prove.
Thousands of people mobbed city hall within minutes after the announcement of the panel's decision.
There was no formal announcement of her decision to retire and no formal ceremony at her departure.
After yesterday's announcement of the grand jury's decision, which it reached on Friday, the Mayor found new and unusual ways to express his outrage.
In order to make a smoother transition, it included the announcement of Levitt's decision to desegregate housing to be made by community leaders.
The announcement of the Army's decision is expected as early as today and probably no later than Friday.
Mr. Annenberg said the timing of the announcement of his decision was "a mistake."
If he does, an announcement of his decision could come next week.
He is to be replaced by Mario Monti before the scheduled announcement of the commission's decision on Sept. 22.