Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The services that are held within the cathedral follow an annual cycle.
It is the third new cantata of his first annual cycle.
This area plays a significant role in the annual cycle of waterfowl.
The governor asked legislators today to switch to the annual cycle that most other states use.
There is also a local cycling club and the area hosts an annual cycle race.
All the large herbivores have an annual cycle of nutrition.
"The relationship between climate and annual cycles in the Cotingidae."
The annual cycle begin on February 2, when the image is received by a new mayordomo.
Often these are arranged on an annual cycle, using a book called a lectionary.
Thereafter the annual cycle calls for notices to tenants by May 1 of each year.
"Our bodies might adjust to the daily and annual cycles.
Migration is when animals move on an annual cycle.
"The station is a planet, technically, and does have an annual cycle.
The school has operated annual cycle tours since 1995.
Perhaps most common is the single annual cycle.
Bach later assigned it to his third annual cycle.
Reproduction is on an annual cycle, and multiple clutches may be produced in a single season.
The annual cycle approximately fits the British school year.
Slovenia has a rich and diverse annual cycle of holidays.
Financial information on the government's activities and plans follows an annual cycle of five major documents:
The cantata is regarded as part of Bach's third annual cycle.
In the atmospheric sciences, the climatological annual cycle is often used as the mean value.
Additionally there are often transient phenomena, events which do not happen on an annual cycle.
If we're lucky their arrival will coincide with a critical moment in the annual cycle of the sea ice.
As a representative of the farming community, I know how important it is to think in terms of the annual cycle.