They supported the anti-slavery campaign in the West Indies and eventually sold all the business interests.
In 1787, Josiah Wedgwood designed a medallion for the British anti-slavery campaign.
Their rank-and-file soon settled down abroad like most non-ideological migrants transferring their revolutionary energies to the anti-slavery campaign.
Her interest in the missions increased when she read a pamphlet on Charles Lavigerie's anti-slavery campaign.
Britain continued to import slaves to work the sugar plantations into the 1800's although anti-slavery campaigns were beginning to gain popularity in England.
More was a member of a group of evangelicals associated with the anti-slavery campaign.
The suffrage campaigners employed and developed strategies used in the anti-slavery campaign.
In London and the provinces, societies drew their activists from members of families who had been involved in the anti-slavery campaigns.
The British anti-slavery campaign, on the other hand, resulted from the parochial (in this case, Christian) values of a relatively small but well-organized and vocal minority.