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What else does this antic tragedy provide, along the way?
But he also joined in with the antic spirit of the time.
Did he understand that the bodies they wore were only for an antic?
"So I was always watching him, expecting some type of antic."
Often we would walk together, and his antic humor was infectious.
None of the other four pieces on the program were as openly antic.
Breakfast, served in the same room the next morning, is truly antic.
The restaurant owner looked up at them, an antic expression on his face.
He seemed in an antic mood, and she decided to take advantage of it.
There was a slightly antic quality to parts of the argument.
But too many were antic, or even frantic, without also being amusing.
But with this kind of antic plot, pacing is always difficult.
Can you hear the antic melody of fear those two anxious feet are playing?
He has watched his antic brother a million times.
Yet it is not, finally, an antic spirit that prevails.
"Fact and Fancy" is an antic work started but not finished in the studio.
A live video camera and monitor serve as major, often antic, props.
I spoke to her, and she complained about the antic behaviour of the land.
"And pulled every other provocative antic that caught your fancy."
He smiled his antic smile and blew me a kiss.
This is one old fool who can still deliver the antic goods as he did 20 years ago.
There is an antic and occasionally a frantic quality to the humor.
They can't even sit down without striking an antic attitude.
And when I am my usual antic self, the look of pleasure on him is like grace.
Also, something of an antic sparkle in his greenish brown eyes.