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It was therefore only right to vote in favour of this report in order to finally promote livestock production that manages without antimicrobial substances.
The antimicrobial substances produced have shown significant effect on Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.
Both hops and cannabis contain antimicrobial substances.
Newer still is the idea of coating sutures with antimicrobial substances to reduce the chances of wound infection.
Antimicrobial substances that are incorporated into packaging materials can control microbial contamination by reducing the growth rate and the maximum growth population.
Another factor affecting the growth of pathological bacteria is that the antimicrobial substances secreted by the skin are enhanced in acidic conditions.
The ability of L. plantarum to produce antimicrobial substances helps them survive in the gastro-intestinal tract of humans.
Applying an antimicrobial substance like triclosan to your underarms changes the prevalence of axillary flora, the bacteria that live in the underarm area.
Subsequent general defences include secreted chemical signals (cytokines), antimicrobial substances, fever, and phagocytic activity associated with the inflammatory responses.
Finally, each book was wrapped in a paper sheet that had been impregnated with an antimicrobial substance, then they were set aside for any later repair or rebinding.
Panicudine was identified as an active antimicrobial substance in the chloroform extract of Polygonum aviculare, a traditional herbal medicine of the Mediterranean coastal region.
However, Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces antimicrobial substances such as pseudomonic acid (that are exploited commercially such as Mupirocin).
Modern uses include camphor as a plasticizer for nitrocellulose (see Celluloid), as a moth repellent, as an antimicrobial substance, in embalming, and in fireworks.
Camphor is readily absorbed through the skin and produces a feeling of cooling similar to that of menthol, and acts as slight local anesthetic and antimicrobial substance.
The analysis also unveiled the P. vortex potential to produces a wealth of enzymes and proteases as well as a great variety of antimicrobial substances that affect a wide range of microorganisms.
Specifically for "Lactobacillus", scientists have proposed that the organism fights diarrhea by increasing antimicrobial substances, competing for adherence sites with pathogenic organism, and overall boost the immune response to pathogens.
Probiotic bacteria (e.g. from the genera Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Enterococcus) counteract undesired microorganisms such as Salmonella or E. coli by blocking receptors on the gut wall, production of antimicrobial substances or activation of the immune system.
In the USA, in order to qualify copper and its alloys as registered antimicrobial substances under that nation's federal pesticide regulations, an extensive additional body of efficacy testing under Good Laboratory Practice guidelines by an EPA-approved laboratory was required by the USEPA.