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Antiquarian book fairs have long been an important aspect of the trade.
Antiquarian studies saw him undertake a general history of Cornwall.
Antiquarian booksellers, from the tiny to the world's largest.
Antiquarian history knows only how to preserve life, not how to generate it.
Several of his drawings are in the Antiquarian Repertory.
The house, parts of which date to 1782, passed on to the Antiquarian and Landmarks Society.
He contributed papers to the Antiquarian magazine.
Antiquarian history itself degenerates in that moment when it no longer inspires and fills with enthusiasm the fresh life of the present.
And 52d Street will be one long Antiquarian Row.
Antiquarian books abound with old wives' tales and treatments tried and found to be untrue.
Antiquarian book collectors are not exclusively interested in first editions and first printings, although they can be.
It originally started out as a development of The Antiquarian Society in Brighton.
In 1870, the Finnish Antiquarian Society was formed to care for and document national historical monuments.
The town hall, also a 15th-century building, now houses the Historical and Antiquarian Museum.
His final book was Ancient Britain and the Antiquarian Imagination (1989).
Antiquarian interest in the site began in 1849, when a nearby Anglo-Saxon cemetery was discovered.
Antiquarian artefacts show that vine groving occurred even in the Roman period.
It publishes a research journal called the Antiquarian Astronomer and a regular Bulletin.
Q. What do you see as the greatest challenge of the Antiquarian and Landmarks Society?
Antiquarian bookstores are another source, such as Argosy, 116 East 59th Street.
These are volumes for the true Antiquarian, not the scientific historian of today, who often no longer remembers why he plys his craft.
East side: Antiquarian.
Antiquarian books.
Madison to Fifth Avenue: Antiquarian Row, with old and rare books.
The building is one of several maintained by the Antiquarian and Landmarks Society, sponsors of today's program.