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An antitype is a figure to describe a real thing.
Not so much the natural festival, as its Spiritual antitype.
Melchizedek as a king and priest is an antitype of Christ.
All is finished. the great Antitype of the red heifer has been slain.
May we not consider as an antitype to this, the anointing which comes upon the church from the time of her acceptance with the Lord?
Let us remember the two little words "as" and "so," for they apply to every particular in the type and the antitype.
As we study the shadows cast by these histories we know what to look for in the future antitype.
Man is both a type and antitype.
It's a type foreshadowing a future antitype.
Christianity is the antitype of the Old Testament.
Moses is the antitype of Sloth.
Typology was frequently used in early Christian art, where type and antitype would be depicted in contrasting positions.
Anti-Federalism is another key aspect of paleoconservatism, which adherents see as an antitype to the managerial state.
They are discreet, reticent, observant, and on many subjects well informed, but they are of a type which has no antitype at home.
If there is no significant difference between f(c) and e(c), then c is neither a type nor an antitype.
Christian interpreters often see Judas Iscariot as an antitype to Ahithophel.
In this same prophecy, how is the Roman Catholic Church designated as the antitype of ancient Babylon?
The miracle could also be seen as the antitype of Moses' first public miracle of changing water (the Nile river) into blood.
The first is seen as the type and the completion is recognized as what Bernard Ramm described as the antitype.
Abraham and Isaac are used in the NT as an antitype of the Father and Jesus.
For example, there is the concept of the eternal return, which, in Xenogears, correlates to the recurrences of the Contact and the Antitype.
Melchizedek king of Salem was a antitype of David, physical king of physical Jerusalem.
The priestly work of our Lord is the antitype of the work of the Jewish priests of the former dispensation.
The idea that the Day of Atonement does not meet its antitype until 18 centuries after Jesus' crucifixion is a deviation from historic Christian theology.
For example, the incense of the Old Testament tabernacle in the Holy Place was an antitype of the prayers of the saint.