Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
A result was to make the first president even more appealing.
"We think Washington in total will find the company very appealing."
He should not have found anything the least appealing about her.
What makes one job more appealing to them than another?
After working all day, people just want to be in and out with whatever looks appealing.
In 1999 they decided to give a show more appealing to the public, not being just music.
But here are four that both parents and children will find appealing.
Even more appealing, it was a home with a history.
Look at the women, so appealing, each in her own way.
Nothing I ever heard about work made it seem very appealing.
A hot country is more appealing than a cold one.
This was one reason taking a class together seemed so appealing.
Perhaps most appealing is the opportunity to take a bit of nature home.
And that is why the chance to see those friends in real life can be so appealing.
For the couple, the living room is more appealing in the evening.
But his film is much more appealing than that makes it sound.
All the more reason for children to page through both these appealing books.
But that may not be too appealing for a 20-year-old.
Some of the most appealing pieces were made by children.
He thought how appealing she'd been, standing in his room.
The whole was so much more appealing than the individual features.
But that's only the easy, appealing side of the idea.
But the benefits and use cases of such technology do sound appealing.
Not that the entire day was spent in such appealing company.
A return to a life of crime seems less appealing by the day.