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Impeach any and all politicans who Would appose the program.
Are there magnets that appose each other that strongly or do you have to add electricity?
As eyelids are of insufficient length to both extend the additional distance backward and cover the conjunctiva, they may not be able to fully appose.
I would appose the pipeline and the destruction caused to the communities and ecology along the pipeline route.
The carbonyl O in vecuronium for example is thrusted outward to appose the H-bond donor of the receptive site.
Those who appose mandatory names reporting prefer using unique identifiers and sentinel studies, for they believe that national partner notification may even discourage people from being tested in the first place.
Similarly, partially edentulous patients missing anterior maxillary teeth lack the stability and retention afforded by anterior portions of the palatal lift prosthesis called indirect retainers that appose the lingual aspects of anterior maxillary teeth.
The same Ahmed Resmi Efendi was to be the one to appose his signature on the 1774 Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca, disastrous for the Ottomans, at the end of the second round of the war resumed in March 1773.
The aryepiglotticus (recurrent laryngeal nerve of vagus) contracts, causing the arytenoids to appose each other (closes the laryngeal aditus by bringing the aryepiglottic folds together), and draws the epiglottis down to bring its lower half into contact with arytenoids, thus closing the aditus.