Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Here are some romantic gift ideas, and approximate prices: Roses.
Miles gulped when his grandmother quoted him the approximate price for the best work.
Admission is 50 cents - the approximate price of a Saturday movie matinee 30 years ago.
The approximate prices at the following restaurants in Siena are for dinner for two, including wine.
There is, understandably, no printed menu, though a list of approximate prices would be a friendly gesture.
The approximate price of each tour will be $4,000 a person in double occupancy, including air fare from New York.
Here is a recommended selection of Long Island wines and styles, with approximate prices.
What would be the approximate price?
Here is an overview of popular models, with approximate prices for examples in excellent condition with all original equipment intact.
Today, a full grain leather coated Bibendum Chair would sell for an approximate price of £2300.
It does not give individual motel rates but lists headquarters of about 25 budget chains and their approximate price ranges, from around $22 to $40, double.
An approximate price tag will be announced when the international collider planning team meets in Beijing this February.
Because the means of production would be controlled by a single entity, approximating prices for capital goods in a planned economy would be impossible.
It lists names and models that meet Federal standards for autos (which also qualify them for use on airlines) and gives approximate prices.
The general contractor considers the cost of materials and equipment as well as the cost of labor to provide the owner with an approximate price for the project.
Approximate prices in South African cents per kilogram (366 cents per U.S. dollar):
The target is to bring the system to market by 2008, for the approximate price of a mid-range automobile (considerably lower than the price for the initial system).
In addition, Om has decided to abandon single-disk enhanced CD's to sell two disks for the approximate price of most audio CD's.
Of 25 chardonnays tasted, my preferences - in this order, and with almost all approximate prices supplied by the Wineries Association -were these: Jordan Winery 1984 ($16).
The Juno-G's main competitor in the approximate price range, with similar features, is the Korg Triton Le/TR entry-level workstations. fans rejoice - the German railways wizards have now added a feature to the already brilliant that makes it possible to view the approximate price of international tickets as well as intra-Germany ones.
Music for Survivors What's $4 - or the approximate price of a gallon of premium gas - for all-day music, especially when that money is going to help victims of Hurricane Katrina?
As the shipyard had no experience in shipbuilding and submersibles were believed to be very complicated to build, on September 9, 1925 it was decided instead to purchase two destroyers for the approximate price 22 million złotys.
Even when using official taxis it is advisable to determine the approximate price of the journey before starting your journey as reports have been received of some taxis using meters which have been adapted to clock up higher rates.
The wisest course of action is to determine the features you need and the screen size you want (within reason, of course), select an approximate price range, and take some time to research and learn about the different technologies and what is offered.